6 Positive Affirmations And Natural Tips To Help Cope With Anxiety or Depression

At some point in our fast paced high stressed lives we have all experienced anxiety or depression and even though lots of us have different ways of coping these are a few beautiful positive affirmations that I use when I am feeling anxious. "I am not my thoughts. I am strong, conscious and aware." "These …

Fair Trade Certified Cotton And Sewing: What is it? Why should we support it?

Fair Trade sewing and cotton programs were set in stone to help bring the community of farmers and workers to a better place of work to those who would otherwise experience harsh labor conditions, low poverty wages and even child labor. If you read the tag in the picture featured you can see what the …

Rice Love: A Company Making A Beautiful Difference with their Beautiful Products++EXTRA 20% with Me [:

I search far and wide for truly good companies to talk about. In fact I think I might be too much of a nit pick when it comes to sustainability sometimes but when I come across a company that is doing a greater good for those who are in need, I cant help but fall …