Fair Trade Certified Cotton And Sewing: What is it? Why should we support it?

Fair Trade sewing and cotton programs were set in stone to help bring the community of farmers and workers to a better place of work to those who would otherwise experience harsh labor conditions, low poverty wages and even child labor. If you read the tag in the picture featured you can see what the fair trade sticker says.


Fair Trade-Your purchase of this Fair Trade Certified item supports better working conditions for the farmers who made it. For each product sold, they earn a premium to increase their earnings and fight poverty in their communities.”


If you haven’t already read my article on “The True Cost”: A Clothing Epidemic you should know that paying the people of these communities mean a lot to them as the people in poverty are in need of help. And we can help support them by purchasing from the right companies. Companies with tags from Certified Trade Sewing Certificates.

This doesn’t only go for clothing but it also goes for bedsheets, mattresses, comforters and other forms of clothing and accessories as well. Although, its not possible to do everything organic we thought that since we literally spend about 1/3 of our entire lives sleeping that it would be important to invest in an organic bed sheet set. That of which I have great things to talk about!

Of course, when it comes to organic clothing or clothing with a certified sewing tag on it, the price appears to be a bit more than just your regular old dollar store clothing. But that’s not what is important. This is where having


less becomes so much more.

SOL Organics is the company that we purchased our bedsheets, comforter and Duvet from. They have a choice of 5 or 6 colors that you can choose from in their selection and they are all modest colors. Although some might be on the look out for flamboyant designs keep in mind that, all of those colors have to be made with non-organic dyes and it defeats the purpose.

Better yet, these sheets are so comfortable to sleep in. In fact I would go as far as saying they are the MOST comfortable and softest sheets I have ever slept in to this day And they look great! If we can all make a more conscious decision and choice when we decide to pay for something, and this doesn’t just go for clothing, shoes or bedsheets, it goes for your food too. We can make a difference in demanding what we want for our society. We vote with our dollars every single day in the purchases we make. and when we support companies with great ethical causes and great purpose, we are making that much more of a difference and impact in the world. Your paying for a families dinner, or a little girls new pair of shoes, not for another greedy corporate owner to purchase another summer home on an island somewhere in the middle of the ocean or paying for a child to work 13 hours a day for a wage below the poverty level. Be the Change and make an impact.

Other good clothing companies worth mentioning that have fair trade sewing certificates, organic clothing, and good ethical practices include:

  • Patagonia (By far one of my favorite companies, they have a “worn wear” project on their website where you can turn in your clothes that your purchased from them for a trade of something else new to you. They repair any used items and resell them as used to reduce the amount of waste.)
  • People Tree
  • PACT apparel
  • Thought Clothing
  • Encircled
  • Tradlands
  • Groceries Apparel
  • Rice Love

And there are a ton more. You don’t have to have a million of one thing to have great clothing. And the best part about buying for better made things is that they last a whole lot longer then cheap items. Another way to reduce waste is to shop at goodwill or other used item stores.

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